Friday, April 19, 2013

Update with bug fix

Since a few minutes the new update is available.
It fixes the bad bug on startup. Please report any other bug you find :)

BTW we uploaded this update last Friday but Apple needs one week to review it.

Robert :)

Saturday, April 13, 2013

Bad bug on startup!

We are very sorry about this annoying bug.
It has to do with the time it takes to open the app. If the app takes longer than a few seconds Apple shuts down the app.
Yesterday I uploaded a new update but Apple has to review it first :( (takes normally one week).
If we test an app on our devices, we have no 'timeout'.

Please try to open the app again and again (should work because sometime the app will finish the work). If this doesn't not work please wait for the update.

Robert :/

Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Just a few hours to work!

We worked every day and today we almost finished the app.
Tomorrow we will upload the app to Apple and then Apple will review it (this will take a while).

We hope it will be available one week later.

Robert :)